Project V2
"Project". A climbing term which refers to a specific climb or boulder problem that is considered near your limit or slightly beyond your current level. To "project" a climb often means for the climber to actively try the climb over and over again, figuring out for themselves the best way to overcome the challenge. To get back up after every fall, improving every time and committing to doing something outside of their comfort zone. It is the ultimate sense of accomplishment to achieve something that once seemed totally impossible, through consistent effort and determination to keep getting back up.
"V2". An arbitrary climbing grade that is often meme'd on in the climbing community as the default go-to to when someone does a climb that looks easier than they say. The point that at the end of the day, it does not matter what grade you climb, what matters more is that you are enjoying yourself and pushing yourself to be better. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or if it's your first time in a climbing gym, everyone is so supportive of one another, and that is what I love about the climbing community, and that is the sort of message I want to spread.
My Story
Hey there! My name is Jamie, I sometimes go by Jim, and now also by the online persona of V2Jim.
At the core of it all, I want to be authentic. Climbing isn’t just a sport—it’s a lifeline, a community, and a space where struggle turns into strength. In my darkest moments, this world of chalk-covered hands and calloused skin gave me purpose. The people, the energy and the sense of togetherness showed me the light at the end of the tunnel, and for that, I owe it everything. This brand is my way of giving back—to inspire, support, and uplift those who find their own light through climbing.

Early Days
Monkeying Around
Growing up I've always enjoyed climbing at every possibility I could. This would include holiday parks, carnivals and school festivals. I'd often worry my parents as I would scale the playground park obstacles, hanging upside down and overall being very injury prone. Despite not exploring the sport of climbing until much later in life, I'd say at the core I've always found it initrinsically fun.

Falling: A Turning Point
A 5 Year Hiatus
After a childhood full of sporting activities, at age 14 I re-discovered climbing in the form of bouldering. 1 month after starting, I unfortunately broke my arm, taking a terrible fall without knowing how to properly fall yet. 5 years had passed, and I still hadn't returned to any sporting activity of any kind. Covid-19 came around, further cementing my now sedentary lifestyle, and before I knew it I'd found my mental health at an all time low, spiralling further and further with no end in sight. Everything changed when my Sister suggested to try climbing once more.

A New Chapter
Getting Back Up
I followed my Sister's advice, and decided to enter the climbing gym once more. I quickly found that the sense of community, the full-body movements and the overall energy of the place had brought me back to life. I had something to look forward to throughout the week, and not only had my mental health turned around for the better, so did my physical health. I struggled with being unhealthily underweight (at the time age 19, 47kg, 170cm), now I can proudly say since then because of climbing, I've felt the strongest and healthiest I've ever been in my life.
Years ago I took a fall that I thought I'd never get back up from, but with the support of my family and my new found friends in the climbing community, I gained the confidence to get back up, and now it's my mission to inspire others to do the same.
"V2 in my gym"
On December 28th 2023 I created the Instagram page with the sole purpose of sharing lighthearted climbing content, and spread the message of how amazing the climbing community is and to hopefully inspire people to pick it up and give it a try. It's a well-embedded joke in the climbing community that no matter how difficult a climb may be, someone out there is guaranteed to say "V2 in my gym" implying the climb is easier than they say it is, and so sparked the inspiration behind my page transforming a toxic statement into a satirical joke people can laugh about. As much as chasing grades can be fun, grades as a whole is extremely subjective and varies massively from gym to gym, so enjoying the movements, the community, trying hard no matter what grade you climb and sharing the joy of the sport with others is what I believe it's really all about.
Thank you for all your support!
I am currently a one man business with the support of some great friends, trying to create something cool for the community and I appreciate all your support! I'm doing my absolute best to provide the best customer service and to fulfill orders as quick as I can, but as a small team we may experience delays in preparing orders. If you have any questions, or feedback please contact or fill out the form below. Thank you again!